Professional Family History Research Provider for the East Galway Area

+ 353 (0) 909749309

Step 1 – Please Fill in the Application Form

    First Name (required):

    Surname (required):

    Email Address (required):

    Ancestor's Name (required):

    Ancestor's Place of Birth in Co. Galway (required):

    Ancestor's Father:

    Ancestor's Mother (including her pre-marriage surname):

    Ancestor's approx date of birth:

    Did your Ancestor marry in Galway:YesNo
    [group AncestorBiG]
    If Yes:
    (a) to whom?:

    (b) approximate year:

    (c) Names of children born in Co Galway:


    When did your ancestor emigrate?:

    Names of the brothers and sisters of your ancestor?:

    Did your ancestor's parents emigrate?:

    Further information:

    Attach file(s) (if necessary):