Professional Family History Research Provider for the East Galway Areas

+ 353 (0) 909749309

Sonnach ruins Killeenadeema

Feb 18, 2020

As part of our continued engagement with our Diaspora near and far, we are pleased to present these ruins and old houses mainly from Sonnach (Sonnagh) New townland, parish of Killeenadeema in the Sliabh Aughty mountains, see below.

Any individual or community group who would like our Society to publish similar material for a townland or parish or if you would like to help with the field work please let us know, all contributions credited and acknowledged accordingly. Church records for Killeenadeema parish commence in 1836 for baptisms and marriages and 1864 for state birth, marriage and death records, if anyone is interested in tracing their ancestors please email: or telephone +353 (0) 909749309 for further details.